He’ll laugh, and tell you about two ingredients that he’ll need to create an antidote. Head inside the inn and speak with the innkeeper. Reyfald’s tongue and face with go numb and he’ll beg you to ask Haeferic about a cure. Looks like things aren’t as good as they seem. He’ll thank you for the liquor, pay you 100CP, and then take a huge swallow. Once the traps are disarmed and you have to bottle it’s time to return to Reyfald. If you want to get the Fennlan Liquor you’re going to have to disarm each trap to get the item. You should spot several traps on the floor in front of the rack. Now move slowly towards the wine rack at the back of the room. Ignore them, and activate your sneaking mode. Inside you’ll find several people gambling. Head inside, and beeline past Haeferic, and down the stairs to the cellar. Towards the end of the conversation he will ask you to search the Gref’s Rest cellar for Fennlan Liquor. Speak with him to learn that he hid away during the battle. Just outside of the Gref’s Rest you’ll find a man named Reyfald. If you choose to turn on him, simply follow the remaining quest instructions to return him to Defala. We chose to side with the Orlan, which meant we needed to return to Ailef once we were finished with Defala. You can either turn on the slave, or take out the slave hunter like you agreed to earlier. Speak with the woman, and she’ll advise you that Ailef, the Orlan, is also wanted for the murder of his master’s young child. Then you’ll want to head west until you spot the slave hunter and her party camped alongside a wagon carrying a cage. To find Defala you’re going to need to head Russetwood. Agree to help him and then leave the inn to track down the slave hunter. He also reveals that rumors state she is camped somewhere west of Stalwart Village. Upon speaking to him you’ll learn that he’s an escaped slave, and that he just wants to escape the village, but a slave hunter named Defala is tracking him down. Head to the last door in the back, open it up, and move inside to speak to the Orlan in the Gref’s Rest.

Finish up the conversation and then move into the back hall of the inn. Haeferic ultimately wants to get rid of the little trouble-maker, but he doesn’t want to hurt him. Speak with the innkeeper, Haeferic, and you’ll be asked to check up on a suspicious looking Orlan who has rented the back room.

This quest can be picked up inside of the Gref’s Rest. This will not change the rewards, however, but it will keep the game from being too unbalanced. If your save file is further along than the DLC's base level of 10, you’ll be given the option to scale the leveling and difficulty of the coming quests up to your current level. Because of this you’ll want to continue with your most-recent Pillars of Eternity save, and simply play from there. This DLC area will open up to players soon after they begin Act 2 of the game’s main story. Once you’ve installed the White March DLC, it’s exceptionally easy to get started. This guide may be updated at a later date to showcase all the various paths.

Because of the complex nature of RPGs, and the multiple paths that some quests offer, we will only be offering a walkthrough for the path we chose. This guide will walk you through the various Side Quests, Tasks, and other additional content that can be found within the Pillars of Eternity White March DLC. It’s a return to the beauty of the original RPGs like Baldur’s Gate and Planescape torment. Pillars of Eternity is set within a massive world filled with intriguing quests, and fantastic old-school RPG combat.