#Inspector nuclear throne sprite sheet skin
Rhino Skin - combined with Stress, allows Y.V.Hammerhead - can be very useful for Throne Butt, as it allows you to create cover for a safe space to reload.Throne Butt and Impact Wrists enhance that effect. Impact Wrists - Pop Pop makes the killed enemy's body fly further, which means bodies also deal more damage on impact.Lucky Shot - as with Rabbit Paw, having good ammo recovery is extremely useful for Y.V.Recommended if you are going for Y.V's second Ultra Mutation. Trigger Fingers - a great addition to your active ability, as getting multiple kills with Pop Pop will reduce its reload time.
#Inspector nuclear throne sprite sheet full
Strong Spirit - same idea as Boiling Veins, gives you guaranteed defense if you manage to pull your health back to full every time it saves you.Boiling Veins - since abusing Stress can be dangerous to get the fast fire rate, you may want a little safety net.Stress - having lower health may be risky, but you can benefit from it increasing Y.V.'s rate of fire even more.Rabbit Paw - having ammo to supply Y.V.'s special ability and Throne Butt is very helpful.Back Muscle - you won't have to worry about running out of ammo as quickly with a larger threshold of ammo to satisfy your trigger happy finger.With Throne Butt and a large projectile count weapon, you can very easily kill Big Dog in a single shot. Pop Pop suffers when using automatic weapons, as it requires you to fire the weapon semi-automatically, but can provide dramatic increases in firepower with weapons such as the Super Crossbow. In the early game, Pop Pop allows you to very easily rely on your pistol, as it is an accurate one-hit kill on bandits, letting you get the Big Chest on the third stage. Gameplay Y.V.'s Quick Reload ability makes him incredibly competitive in the late-game, as it is a direct increase to damage per second and boosts the viability of slow-reloading weapons such as the crossbow. Reload time is three times the normal rate (with Y.V's passive, that's 80% × 3 = 240% of the weapon's regular reload time). Throne Butt Yung Venuz's Throne Butt changes his special from Pop Pop into Brrrap, which fires off four trigger pulls at once instead of two. Throne Butt and Impact Wrists mutations enhance that effect. Pop Pop makes the killed enemy's body fly further, which means bodies also deal more damage on impact. However, this will only increase its ammo consumption and won't affect the weapon's damage due to the way melee weapons work. Pop Pop cannot be used in conjunction with Melee Weapons, except for the jackhammer. It's always a single shot or a single burst, regardless of the weapon. Pop Pop ignores an automatic weapon's continuous firing. a Super Crossbow will fire ten bolts, an Assault Rifle will fire a burst of six bullets. The amount of shots fired is double what the weapon would normally fire with one trigger pull, i.e.

Special Yung Venuz can use Pop Pop to fire a weapon twice with one button press, but with double the reload time (with Y.V's passive, that is 80% × 2 = 160% of the weapon's regular reload time). He starts with a Golden Revolver, which is a faster version of the regular Revolver. Features Yung Venuz has 20% higher rate of fire on all weapons (if weapons normally have 100% reload time, with Y.V.